The ebook version of the novel will be available at no charge January 20 through January 22 at Amazon
WILMINGTON, NC, January 18, 2025 /24-7PressRelease/ — What happens during the coma experience? Do we have any conscious experiences? Do we dream? Or are we totally unconscious? Author Saverio Monachino can answer that question, and he does so in ‘Little Bit Of Faith’, available in ebook version at no charge, January 20 through January 22 at
As a traumatic brain injury survivor, Saverio Monachino struggled to reconstruct the ‘here and now’ within his head. The memory silos devoted to personal experiences had broken down and without their structured database in play he had to go searching for reality. TBI is unique to every individual, and some of those experiences defy explanation. When there is a disarray in the system it sometimes becomes impossible to separate fact from fiction or any form of temporal progression. Little Bit of Faith describes an individual’s journey back while at the same time opening a door to all the possibilities a reimaging of one’s life can bring.
Anyone who handles a patient load knows how difficult some can be. Dr. Selwood (a neuropsychologist) had a real doozy of a case assigned to her, Dr. Arthur McAiden. When McAiden first began his outpatient stint at the Kessler Institute he had trouble stringing cognitive sentences together. Selwood suggested he write his thoughts down, and so he did. At first, he wrote of the accident itself, which had her wondering how he knew what he did. Then his story moved on and intertwined his recovery process with what she believed to be a work of fiction. If he was trying to have fun at her expense, she did not know. Either way, it didn’t matter, but, when he moved on and began describing his take on the triune others have used to describe his faith, she wanted to file this away in the circular trash can beside her desk. Then one of his characters came to life and paid her a visit. While her patient had struggled to re-enter the three-dimensional space those living on earth call home, Dr. Selwood, in turn, now struggled to accept the continuum of life Arthur had presented to her.
When writing Literary Fiction, Saverio Monachino amalgamates an odd collection of authors like John Irving, Tom Robbins, and Louise Penny into one, and the servings of psychological drama he presents come complete with a side order of comedy. Saverio believes adding a bit of humor helps wash down the truth while he discusses how open to interpretation the human condition can be.
Improbable as it may seem, Monachino’s gentle wit and informed narrative style are the glue that hold this metaphysical melange together. If you’re game to take a deep dive into the nature of consciousness, of bosons and other subatomic particles and the search for the ultimate intelligence, with a side trip into the Arthurian legend, ‘Little Bit of Faith’ may just be your cup of mead.”
Monachino is also the author of the bestselling novel ‘By Any Means’. In this spellbinding comic murder mystery, Monachino weaves a compelling narrative that immerses readers in a world of intrigue, humor, and suspense.
Leaking top secret information to the Press happens all the time. Just ask those holding government offices in Washington D.C. Up north in Montreal Inspector Gervais has experienced a perfected form of this art.
It all started on a typical summer night with Giorgio sitting on the roof reciting poetry, dressed from head to toe in leather and watching a man in the alley commit murder … with a hard salami. His life literally falls into the hands of the good Inspector and that’s when the fun begins.
“What,” Inspector Gervais wants to know, “do an overweight grocer, batman, tax attorneys, a dysfunctional Italian family, city politics and an esoteric secret society that may or may not be the remnants of the Knights Templar have in common?” Not much, but this is all he has to go on as he races to solve a gruesome murder ‘By Any Means’. Montréal in the summertime can be fun, murder can be funnier.
Readers and reviews alike have praised ‘By Any Means’. One Amazon reviewer said, “By Any Means is a fast paced, intriguing read. It immediately thrusts you into an unusual murder setting, which both grabs your interest to continue and introduces you to the witty writing style of the author. The book unfolds into a collage of family and other relationships, informative diversions into interesting areas of learning, and a front row seat to figuring out ‘who dunnit’. I enjoyed the many interesting characters along with the wit and humor. I look forward to more from Saverio.”
Another stated, “Funny? Yes, and the comedy is truly both deep and subtle. A mystery? Indeed, a murder mystery but those pages seem to cover the deeper mystery investigated by the author. It is obvious that BY ANY MEANS has gone to great lengths to open up more important questions than a who killed whom, as one begins to see the outlay of dysfunctional family dynamics, its development and picturesque guides to finding the right way to reconnect. After all, what in the world is more important, being the head of a super-secret organization that is hundreds, if not thousands of years old, or finding a mate who will hold your hand and bring a smile to your face. If that isn’t enough of a psychological thriller then the author layers another common paradigm for the unrepentant on top; why is politics so much more important than truth.”
Saverio was recently interviewed on “Let’s Talk” on WDVR Radio in Sergeantsville, NJ. The interview is available at his website at
Saverio has also been interviewed by Theresa O’Brian. The interview and book review of ‘Little Bit of Faith’ is available at the Bethlehem Press website.
The cover of ‘Little Bit Of Faith’ been picked to be one of the contenders in the AllAuthor Cover of the Month contest – January 2025.
Saverio Monachino is available for media interviews and can be reached by email at [email protected]. More information is available on his website at
“A Little Bit of Faith” and “By Any Means” are available on Amazon at
About Saverio Monachino:
Saverio Monachino has worked in the Bio-Pharmaceutical arena in various regions of the U.S. and Canada (and dragged his family along with him). He had discovered compounds that advanced into clinical trials while managing large R&D teams. Things happen, life changes, comas come and when lucky, they go, and now, as a TBI survivor, he has had to, as the saying goes, ‘move the cheese’. Now, he lives, writes, and has fun.
One book he co-authored, “Frenchtown New Jersey: History Along the River,” during his free time while helping run a bookstore in Frenchtown NJ. During his recovery process, he also organized a radio theatre troop which performed both on air and on stage and, more recently, became a founding member of a very distinguished philosopher’s guild where old men can pontificate on any topic they wish while asking the proverbial question ‘is anyone listening to me?’. Of course, first and foremost, writing about the experiences within his head while comatose is what drives his works of fiction
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